The podcast and I are back! Full disclosure, in the business world, we may all look like we have it together, but that’s not always true. Everyone, even entrepreneur’s like myself, makes mistakes.
One of the biggest things I hear from people is “Oh you make it look so easy,” or “They have it all together,” or even “I can never do that because they have everything so perfect.” But we really don’t.
So this episode, I’m going to share my podcasting mistakes, and mistakes in general, so I can put it out there and show you that it all works out, even when you don’t have it all together.
Where Have I Been?
Well first, I had a big brand partnership campaign with both Intuit and Capital One. I also attended a mastermind retreat. And, I’ve been working with my group coaching students. But those aren’t the main reasons why I disappeared. I disappeared because I didn’t do a very good job of planning out my podcast. So that’s one of my first podcasting mistakes.
My Podcast Was An Experiment
When I first started putting my podcast out there, it was just an experiment. I was testing the waters, and I wanted to see how my market was going to react to it. It had no real purpose, which is one of my biggest podcasting mistakes. Because there was no purpose or direction, it was difficult to stay consistent. In business, many of us are on one of two ends of a spectrum. We are either super creative and don’t plan at all, or we’re severe perfectionists and want everything perfectly planned before we do anything. But, we need to learn how to be in the middle of those two spectrums.
I Didn’t Have A Marketing Strategy
Number two of my podcasting mistakes is that I didn’t have a marketing strategy. I didn’t have an offering or anything, and my podcast didn’t fit into my funnel. So it came as a shock to me when people told me that they actually listened to my podcast!
I Didn’t Have A Clear Focus
I’ve already pointed out that one of my podcasting mistakes was that I didn’t really have a clear focus, but this deserves another mention. Some of my podcast episodes focused on personal finance, and others focused on business. Granted, the podcast started off as an experiment, so I got feedback on my episodes and my audience let me know what worked and what didn’t. It is so important to get feedback from your audience, and this is exactly what I teach my Persuade to Profit students.
I Was Inconsistent
While I love traveling, in 2017 I traveled so much that I burnt out. Plus, I moved into a new place and had to deal with Hurricane Irma later in the year. This year, I’m taking a break from traveling, besides the mastermind retreat I did this year, and FinCon later this year. But those will be the only places I go in 2018. I realized that I needed to stay at home, be grounded, and put out the content for my audience and stay consistent.
One Way I Didn’t Fail
Although I did make a few podcasting mistakes, I was able to get feedback from my audience in terms of what was working and what wasn’t. Now that I have a clear plan for my podcast, I can take that feedback and bring a new and improved podcast to the table.
New & Improved Podcast
I’ve learned from my podcasting mistakes, and I’m excited to share where we are going to go from here. For one, the podcast will be moving more in the direction of business and marketing. I’ll still talk about personal finance from time to time, but it will be in the sense of learning how to manage the money that you’re making as an entrepreneur.
My podcast episodes will also be shorter this time around. I’m thinking 30-45 minutes per episode.
And, instead of putting up just the audio on YouTube, we’re going to have a video component as well. So if you don’t want to listen to it on audio, you can watch the video instead!
With all of that said, these are my podcasting mistakes from my podcast thus far. I’ve learned so many lessons from this experiment, and I’m excited to see where we go from here. The important thing to remember is that even though a project doesn’t get off the ground, or even if it fails, you can bounce back and learn from it all. No matter what, never stop learning and growing.