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Enjoy this special limited time offer to help you take your money manifestation to the next level!
Improve Your Money Manifestation In Just 10 minutes a day...
Put your free guide into practice with these 20+ meditations and 15+ journal prompts that have helped me manifest a six-figure business that runs mostly on autopilot, the romantic relationship of my dreams and moving to Mexico!
Limited Time!

I Know What It's Like to Struggle With a Lackluster Life
A few years ago I was NOT living the way I desired. I'd spent a decade hustling my buns off to build a business only for it to collapse at the height of my success. My physical and mental health were struggling. My romantic relationships were a dead end and although I'd been dreaming about it for years, I still had not executed on my dreams to travel often and live abroad. In fact, I was in my 30s and my life looked nothing like what I had been trying to create for years. It's because I didn't understand two very important things.
How The Human Brain Works
Because my brain was conditioned and wired for scarcity and fear, the more money I made the more fearful I became and the more I would sabotage. My brain was trying to keep my safe so I never got into fulfilling relationships and every time I would make some progress on my dream to live abroad, some wrench would get thrown into my plans. I worked with a neuroscience expert to rewire my brain to not just allow money, but abundance in all forms. In this program, I share all the meditations, subliminals and journal prompts I used to accomplish this.
Energetic Capacity
I didn't understand the role of my energy or alignment. Because I didn't understand the concepts of energy and capacity, I hustled my way way past my limits and collapsed. Now I understand how to maintain my energy and GROW my capacity for more. This led to manifesting my partner, a six-figure business that now runs mostly on autopilot and moving to Mexico.
What we offer in our Meditations + Journal Prompts Bundle
20+ Meditations
Get our entire library of meditations to help you calm your nervous system and rewire your mind for wealth.
Choose from an entire library that covers service, abundance, forgiveness and many more to help you release old money blocks and attract new income into your life.
Subliminal Audios You Can Listen to While Working or Sleeping
We created these audios based on what our clients and customers said they wanted to manifest in their lives - money, love and so much more.
Listen to these every single day to rewire your mind.
Two Week Money Mindset Reset Journaling Program
These journal prompts were created based on neuroscientific principles to help you reshape your brain. You learn the principle based in neuro-science and then also get journal prompts to go along with it. In two weeks, you've got already got a new brain developing!
This is a part of our Manifestation Framework we teach our clients:

Money Meditations Bundle
We focus on:
Money Without Burnout
Rewiring Your Mind
Reinventing Your Life to Live the Way You Desire
With over 15 years of experience in digital marketing, 1MM views on content and seven figures in sales generated for ourselves and clients, we know what works to rewire your mind for money.

Adina generated an additional $4,000 in sales in just 2 weeks after training.
Plus Get These Exclusive Bonuses
Daily Manifestation Tracker
Get in the habit of tracking and saying thanks for your manifestations every day. The more you acknowledge the manifestations the more come.
6 Mindsets of Highly Successful People Masterclass
Watch the recording of a live keynote Amanda gave at a conference about the 6 Mindsets of Highly Successful People.
Money Affirmations Poster
Grab our printable money affirmations poster and hang it somewhere where you'll see it every day.
See Our Client Wins



What Makes Us Different?
We test everything extensively before we teach it so we have the data to back it up:
Over 100,000 emails sent on behalf of ourselves, partners and clients.
Nearly 1MM views on our content - including TikToks with over 200k views.
Over seven figures in sales generated for ourselves and for clients.
Over 400 TV, radio and podcast interviews.
We've worked across industries including coaching, real estate, financial advisors, beauty, education and more.
We haven't just created business success though, we've also created success and tested the methods we teach for mindset.
I've worked with experts in Neuroscience.
I'm certified holistic practitioners.
I've rebuilt my life to now include a six figure business that runs mostly on autopilot, the partnership of my dreams, traveling often and moving to Mexico.
I even manifested the dog I always wanted - a golden retriever.

The Investment
Get the entire bundle sent straight to your inbox and start rewiring your mind for more wealth now.
What Are You Waiting For?
There's absolutely NO RISK with our 7-day Money Back Guarantee.



Yes. For as long as the program exists you have lifetime access.
This is an on-demand program. You can watch the recordings of the questions students asked. We have found that whenever the live class asks questions, it's usually the same questions that would get asked by the students watching the replay.
You have a 7-day money back guarantee. Just show us you went through the videos and did the work, and we'll happily refund the money within 7 days.
Limited time offer!

See How Easily You Can Reinvent Your Life
It's a lot easier than you think with the right strategy and guidance from someone whose methods have been tried and tested.