My Journey of Resiliency
Talking about my failures gets big fanfare as a result of a lot of bullshit in the online space. Many people faking and pretending everything is hunky-dory when their reality isn’t.
In life, there are going to be challenges. From working through my problems, I have become a big believer in the idea that our journey is about resiliency. Whether in business or my personal life, I have realized that my journey is about learning to become the best version of myself. In doing so, you have to take on the challenges in life. A life without challenges is a life without growth, and this is where self- mastery comes into play.
My Personal Journey Includes More Failures Than Successes
I most likely have more failures than successes from the last ten years of my life. Despite this fact, what most people see is my business making good money. And although I have some big wins, there are many mistakes and failures in between my successes. I think that’s the part you guys are craving – the authenticity, the times in between my big wins.
You’re Not Alone in Your Failures
In real life, everybody makes mistakes and has failures. Remember, you’re not alone, and making mistakes is a normal part of life. Here are two classic examples of failures in my life.
The first failure is related to my book, Make Money Your Honey. Early on, I tried launching an ebook within a year of starting my blog. It was the year 2011, and I remember being at my job and putting my PDF together for my new book. Looking back, my first PDF was more of a hot mess than a legit publication. I didn’t have an email list, and when I launched, I did not have a single person purchase my ebook.
I remember thinking that I just completed a whole lot of work for not a whole lot of reward. By 2014 I was launching an Amazon bestselling book. Make Money Your Honey shot up to bestseller in budgeting and entrepreneurship! As a result, I was able to land several media mentions and an interview on Entrepreneur on Fire. That book still makes me money every month to this day. I learned many lessons from my first book failure because I didn’t want to repeat them. I didn’t repeat the same mistakes because I sought mentorship the second time around.
My second failure is when I launched a membership site years ago called Make Money Your Honey Academy. I charged $50 a month and offered classes and other educational materials. I remember slaving over that damn site, trying to slap the website together myself. I remember the site being an absolute mess. Again, this mistake was much work for not enough money. After this mistake, I started focusing on high ticket coaching.
I had forgotten that I still owned the domain. Fast forward about five years later, I’m meeting with my team, and we are discussing creating our client portal because I’m not comfortable that all our Persuade to Profit content is on a website I don’t own. Additionally, I wanted to create a better user experience for my tribe and a site that will grow with my team. Thinking I was going to have to spend thousands of dollars to redo my website I was going crazy in my head with the work in front of my team and me. After this conversation happened, I was talking with my accountant, and he asked me if I still have that membership site from years ago?
Oh shit, I do! I went back to my old site and spruced up the look and backend. Now my site could be the basis for my client portal that we’re trying to create for our community. It wasn’t that hard to put together. It wasn’t difficult at all. I hadn’t even finished building the new site, and one of my clients signed on. I told my first member of my new site that we are going to beta test the site while we’re working together.
Timing Matters
Sometimes, guys, it’s just a timing thing. And the thing is you don’t know whether or not it’s timing unless you’re very connected to yourself and you’re very connected to source. And I think many of you who are reading this post take the losses so hard that it knocks you out down to the ground. You give up, which causes you to make foolish decisions without using your common sense as a result of taking action over an emotional decision.
Trust the Process
There’s just no way for us to know with perfect certainty what will work and what will fail, you have to trust the process. Learn to enjoy the process of entrepreneurship, growth, business, building and money. Loving the process can be applied to anything in your life. Enjoy the process and enjoy the journey. It’s not always roses, unicorns, and rainbows. Life isn’t about consistently scoring a win. Sometimes your expectations don’t work out right away because of timing. Then six years later, you’re shocked when something that you thought didn’t work out six years prior is now coming back around to help you solve any issue that you have now.
Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:
- Persuade To Profit
- Make Money Your Honey Book
- How to Make Your First $100K Online (Even If No One Knows Who You Are)
- Book a Free Mini Coaching Session with Amanda
- Episode 130 – How I Went from Getting 60 Rejections to 60 K in Sales Part II
- Get in on my free webinar, “How to Make Your first 100K online, even if no one knows who you are.” Text the word “Influencer” to 3056801407, and we will see you there.