You’ve probably heard that course creation is a fantastic way to generate income, but before you jump in and create your course, find out the exact strategy that I use to create my popular Persuade to Profit program, which has generated over $800,000 in sales!
Create an Online Course in Which You Have Experience and Results
Before you create a course, you want to be mindful to make a course only if you have experience and results on the topic. For example, don’t create a course if you’ve only read a book on the subject; that’s inauthentic and won’t make for good course content. Instead, ask yourself, what results do I have for myself or other people? If you can answer these questions, then that is the material for building a course!
Likewise, just because you know how to do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should teach the topic or know how to teach the subject. For example, although I produce my podcast and I know how to do that, do I know how to teach someone how to build a podcast that gets millions of downloads? No, I don’t, so I will not conduct an online course on podcast production. When your integrity is on the line, the result you claim must be a result you can deliver to craft an excellent product.
Step #1 Do Your Market Research Before You Create Your Online Course
I’ve noticed that many people who put out a product don’t do their market research. They just slap stuff together based on their own experience. Spend many hours and excessive energy, effort, and money to create an online course only to hear crickets. Why? They never did any market research.
They never tested their course offering in the marketplace. They never spoke to potential clients and customers who could buy this product.
Market research is vital because you may have a great idea, but others aren’t looking for that topic or online course. You want to create a niche course that people look for in their business or personal lives. The topic you create from your market research is essential to creating a good offer. Because if you don’t have a reasonable offer, it doesn’t matter how much I teach you about sales. You’re still not going to close.
In Persuade to Profit, we walk you through the process of market research. We deep dive into pain points and problems, obstacles in course creation and find out who your audience is and know them better than they know themselves. Now, when you’re able to do that, you can create a course that sells like hotcakes! The next step is to sell it before you build it.
Step #2 Sell Your Course Before You Finish Your Online Course
You’ll need to pre-sell your online course to get market validation first before you spend your time building your course. Here’s an example of one of our Persuade to Profit members.
Claudia is a career coach who made $7,000 per month. We helped her take the content she created for her one-on-one experience and turned it into a course. As a result, she went from making $7,000 a month, working seven days a week, to working less and having her first $17,000 week!
And here’s the thing – she sold it before she created the online course by offering her course pre-completion. Claudia had her $17,000 in the bank in one week, and then she created her offer. So, in essence, she got paid to create! In addition to getting paid for her creation, she also received market validation.
Your Online Course Needs to Solve a Problem
Your online course with market research will sell like hotcakes because it solves a problem for the buyer, which brings value.
If you’re unsure what problems your ideal avatar is having, we can teach you all about that in Persuade to Profit! If you’d like to check out more on what we offer, we’ve got free videos coming out every week, so make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Also, come and join our free Facebook group for women coaches and course creators who want to scale their businesses and master high ticket sales. You can learn more about course creation and sales through our free weekly training.