Recently, I sat down to chat with Kimberly Olson. She has a fascinating story and is a self-made millionaire after being laid off without notice from her six-figure corporate job before COVID.
Read on to find out what she recommends about online marketing, selling your service, and how to show up authentically for your followers.
How Kimberly Landed in Online Marketing
Kimberly decided to get into online marketing in March of 2017. She says, “I had done blogging and YouTube videos for about a decade, but never enough to leave my job.” Unfortunately, she was let go of her corporate job without notice while eight months pregnant. Worrying about paying her bills, she started running boot camps at her home and hustling however she could to make money.
Having recently built their dream home, Kimberly was in a financial bind. She and her husband emptied their 401k and lived off of credit cards. Taking a job locally to make ends meet, she would come home exhausted and not present for her kids. Then, one day, a friend asked her about network marketing. “She had quite the varied background in sales, including network marketing.” After working for a month, she brought home a paycheck of $200.
Realizing she was self-sabotaging, she enlisted professional support, hired a therapist who was also a Reiki healer, and six weeks later, she had reprogrammed her mind. “I woke up and I was like, I’m going to crush this day” She stepped into her own and started showing up and servicing for good.
Building a Presence on Social Media
Kimberly started showing up on social media with live videos on marketing advice. Her followers began asking her to coach them on digital marketing. Branding in 2018 as “The Gold Digger Girl, Kimberly built 17 streams of income. Hitting six figures in 90 days, she had turned around her mindset and her fortune.
She credits her business success to being consistent and top of mind for her followers. “They know the sun is rising, that you’re going to be there for them. It’s about being yourself, showing up authentically and caring about people.”
The Idea Notebook
To make sure she remembered her new business ideas, she carried around a notebook with her wherever she went and wrote down ideas as they came to her. She used this notebook to create and write down her business goals.
Self-Sabotaging Your Own Success
Did you know that self-sabotaging can happen when business is good? Your subconscious mind doesn’t like change, so you’ll need to recognize if you are self-sabotaging. When I work with clients, I let them know they need to give their brains a roadmap.
Having a physical roadmap as a visual and getting to action with momentum gives you confidence. You’re like; I got this. And then you take the next step and the next step and the next step. Now you can change your situation and grow personally and professionally.
Why Kimberly Decided to Become an Author
When she thinks back to why she wanted to write a book, she talks about her beautiful Pinterest moms who followed her because of her authenticity. She didn’t filter or touch up her photos because she wanted to be authentic.
We both agree that you should be under the mindset that what you see is what you get! “I think that people energetically can sense and they’re really drawn to it.” Of course, you can show up with or without makeup, but for Kimberly, showing up with dirty hair connects with her crowd. “I’ll tell people I haven’t washed my hair for seven days. They love that. They’re like, oh my gosh, she doesn’t wear mascara and doesn’t wash her hair. Oh, my gosh. It’s so awesome.”
All the moms celebrate because they can relate to having to put yourself last when you have kids. “That’s what people want. They want real. And people will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame if you’re authentic because they can sense it.”
Feeling Better About Business When You Are Disciplined
I had the discipline to build a business. If you’re disciplined, you’ll feel better about yourself. You have the freedom to start feeling good about yourself, and you have a good relationship and rapport with yourself.
Discipline creates structure so remember to place unstructured time in your schedule to have more freedom. Kimberly notes it’s essential to spend time with your kids when they are around and then do your work once they are in bed. At 10 pm, it’s go-time for her to build her empire to focus on her business once her kids are asleep. “You have to schedule and plan your work and then you can actually disconnect because it’s unstructured time that is planned.”
What You Should Be Doing on Social Media
Kimberly says, “If you look at trends, Instagram is not going away.” She recommends going live, creating a YouTube channel, and producing a podcast. She also recommends ripping the audio from your video to create your podcast. “Think of micro content when you create a YouTube or a podcast. Take a one-minute clip, splice it up and put it in your stories.”
Building Connection and Rapport on Social
She highly recommends selfies and other personal content on your personal profile. However, she doesn’t recommend hiding behind a business page or pay-to-play ads.
Instead, show who you are through your content, so it’s not just you pitching your program or whatever you have to offer.
Kimberly Olson’s Top Three Sales Tips for Entrepreneurs
Kimberly has great advice when it comes to sales. “When you are thinking about selling, stop thinking about selling and ask yourself, how can I mentor these people?” She often directs followers to one of her videos or podcast episodes to answer a question in-depth. If she doesn’t have the content on her platform, she will find another person with content that will answer their question.
When she helps people find what they need, they come back to her over and over again. Then she can pitch coaching and her program.
Secondly, Kimberly says you want to ask great questions to identify the pain point. Uncover their pain point by asking questions.
Third, follow up like a boss and ask for the sale. “You need all your leads in some kind of CRM. If you want to build an empire, whether it’s six figures, seven figures, you need to pull up your big girl panties and you need to get organized because if you’re not, you’re leaving money on the table because most people need more time.”
Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:
- Free Facebook Group: High Ticket Sales For Women Coaches and Course Creators
- Persuade To Profit
- Make Money Your Honey Book
- Check out my Live Training Online Here!
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