Unlock the Power of Abundance with our Money Mindset Reset.

Learn how to rewire your mind for abundance and success, based on our Amazon bestselling book, Make Money Your Honey.

Introducing Money Mindset Reset 

Make Money Your Honey is designed to help individuals rewire their minds for success, open up to the abundance around them, and make more money.

It is a known fact that our brains filter out 90% of what is going on around us, so this course is designed to help you rewire your belief systems and optimize the 10% your mind is focusing on for success.

I bring my 15 years of experience in coaching, finance and entrepreneurship to help you get the financial abundance you desire.

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

Upon signing up, you get immediate access to the entire program which you can do at your own pace.

Learn the method I used to rewire my mind from rock bottom to success

Apply this specific technique to let go of past beliefs and rewire your mind for more.

Release the past

Money is a topic that is ridden with guilt and shame in our society. Learn how to let the past go for good.

Learn what most money secrets most experts won't tell you.

I've organized 15 years of data interviewing some of the smartest minds in finance to show you how they achieved abundance.

Wire in new beliefs 

Wire in new beliefs that will show you how to attract more abundance into your life (and capitalize on it!)

Here’s what people are saying about the course

Adina Applebaum

Financial Educator and Consultant for B Corps

Sold out 12 group coaching cohorts in 12 months, earns six-figures on the side of her job and bought a house.
Charlisa HARRIS

Consultant for Beauty Salons

Made $25k in seven hours.
JAMI Smith

Event Planner

Closed a $25k client in 90 days.

Here's what's in the course:


Module 1: Your Money Mindset, Their Money Mindset, Everyone's Money Mindset

Learn how societal upbringing, culture and your own family history affects your beliefs about money.


Module 2: The Moralization of Money

Learn how the belief "money is evil" has permeated society to keep people stuck and unsuccessful. Also learn how to see money as neither good or bad, but neutral. This is the secret to making money work for you no matter what.


Module 3: Time vs. Money

The secret to understanding abundance is to realize that money is just energy and time is actually more important than money. Learn how financially successful people see both time and money so you can apply it in your own life and get better financial results.


Module 4: Family of Origin and Money

This is where we work on your beliefs specifically. Identify and reprogram limiting beliefs about money you got from your upbringing. Most of the beliefs we have about money we absorbed from our environment by the age of 7, so it's important to get clear on what we absorbed that isn't helpful, release it and replace it with something that is helpful.


Module 5: Your Worth and Money

Learn how your own perception of yourself and your self-concept affect your financial results in the world. Also, learn how to behave like a person who sees themselves worthy of money.


BONUS: Abundance Subliminals and Meditations

Use these to rewire your subconscious mind for wealth, success and more. T


BONUS: Understanding Universal Laws for Success Masterclass

The Universe is set up in a way where there are specific laws always in effect. Learn how to use these laws to attract more abundance and financial success in your life.

About The Course Teacher, Amanda Abella.

Amanda Abella is a seasoned digital entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in finance and entrepreneurship. She spent 8 years as a financial educator and did campaigns for companies like CapitalOne, TransUnion and More.

In 2017 she transitioned into teaching business owners how to sell with authenticity and in a way that energetically feels good. Her clients would often see an increase in revenue of 30% in 45 days.

After doing the business the "hard way" for over a decade and burning out, Amanda started studying energetics even more deeply. She's worked with experts in neuroscience, is a certified holistic healer and is currently undergoing a meditation and energetics certification in Mexico.

She brings all of this together to bring a holistic understanding of how your mind and energy determine your results, while still grounded in the reality of this world.

Change Your Mind. Change Your Results.

Scientists are now catching up to what mystics have been telling us for thousands of years - that our minds create our universe.

Wouldn't it then make sense to focus your time on understanding and training the root of whether or not you get results in life?

After making the switch to spending most of my time working on my mindset instead of hustling and grinding I went from being an exhausted, burnt out, single female entrepreneur who kept putting her dreams on the backburner to now:

Being engaged to the man of my dreams, living out a dream of living in other countries and building businesses that are fun and easy to make money in.

Pricing Plan


Get access to all the training modules, worksheets and bonuses. 

  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
regular course

One sentence summary of what they get

  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get

  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call


100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 7-Days

We know our system works which is why we're offering a 7-Day Money Back Guarantee.

If after 7 Days you've gone through the entire program and you're not satisfied, we'll give you your money back.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need experience in energy or money mindset work?

Do I get private coaching?

Why are your credentials?

Are there payment plans?

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