Welcome to episode 290 of the Make Money Your Honey podcast, where Amanda interviews Sheryl Plouffe, an expert in the field of video marketing. In this episode, Cheryl reveals the secrets to succeeding in the ever-evolving world of video marketing, especially with the emergence of AI and YouTube’s addition of podcasts. Get ready to gain insights into the future of video marketing and how to stay ahead of the game.
Sponsored by Persuade to Profit, a 90-day sales training program, this episode offers valuable advice on converting video leads into paying clients. As the consumer landscape becomes more complex, Amanda and Cheryl highlight the importance of up-leveling sales skills to meet the changing demands of the market. Find out how to master the art of sales conversion and boost your business growth.
Key Discussion Points:
- Seizing the Perfect Time for Video Marketing: Discover why it’s never too late to dive into video marketing. Amanda and Cheryl discuss the ideal timing and immense opportunities that exist in the current video marketing landscape. Learn how to leverage this medium to your advantage.
- Reverse Engineering Your Video Marketing Strategy: Understand the importance of reverse engineering your video marketing approach to attract the right target audience. Cheryl shares valuable insights into designing an effective strategy that resonates with your ideal clients.
- The Evolution of YouTube: Explore the recent changes on YouTube, including the addition of podcasts, and uncover the significance of these updates for video marketers. Amanda and Cheryl delve into why staying informed about YouTube’s developments is crucial for maximizing your marketing efforts.
- Navigating Hiring Advice and AI in Video Marketing: Cheryl addresses the pitfalls of unreliable hiring advice found online and shares her expertise on leveraging AI tools to optimize your video marketing campaigns. Gain valuable recommendations on the best tools to enhance your video marketing success.
- Getting Meadow with Money and Debunking Sales Advice: The conversation takes a thought-provoking turn as Amanda and Cheryl delve into money mindset and debunk common sales advice found on social media platforms. Discover the truth behind claims such as “high ticket sales are no longer effective” and learn how to navigate these misconceptions.
Conclusion: Join Amanda and Cheryl in this insightful episode as they explore the future of video marketing and provide invaluable advice for dominating the industry in 2023 and beyond. From reverse engineering your strategy to harnessing the power of AI tools, this episode offers practical tips and strategies to ensure your video marketing efforts thrive. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to stay ahead in the evolving video marketing landscape.
(Note: Don’t forget to check out Cheryl’s podcast episode featuring Amanda, as they delve into the fascinating intersection of video marketing and money mindset. Find the link in the show notes for further insights and inspiration.)
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